I have 2 children ages 4 & 5. I had my children in daycare 2 days a week from 4 months on. My son went to a preschool 2 days a week in a church and it was SO WONDERFUL! He loved it and learned alot. They had letter worksheets, writing projects, reading homework, challenging but fun activities.(the daycare they had also had a preschool program)
Then we moved and dropped daycare all together. My daughter now goes 4 days a week to preschool and it is terrible. It is nothing but playtime, nothing achedemic happens there at all. This is also the preschool for the school district. I am so dissapointed in what she has not learned there, she will now be going to kindergarten and we know already that she will be repeating kindergarten. They did more at her daycare preschool than they did at the school district preschool. They say that the focus is learning social skills in preschool, but I believe that they should also learn colors, shapes, phonics, letters, writing basics etc. I have spoken to other moms who are also dissapionted.
Sorry I am getting long winded....long story short IF you find a great preschool it is a wonderful idea. I sent my son the other days he was not at daycare and he grew so much that year. the key is to find a great preschool they are a different envirnoment than a daycare and they will learn what to expect from school. I would very much go for the preschool, just make sure it is the best one that focuses on something other than play.
Good luck~ sorry so long!