Wondering what preschools are in Santa Clara, my husband and I are looking to move our 2 yr son from his current school to one closer to our home this September. We love the one we are currently at but cost is becoming an issue so we are exploring other options.
Thanks for any information you can provide.
there is also one through parks and recs., but it is not an everyday preschool, so the cost isn't as high. It's two or three days a week for a few hours only. They have a morning and an afternoon class. The preschool teachers there are awesome. i heard the pre-k was not that great. I didn't send my daughter there, I kept her home and taught her myself before she entered kindergarten. good luck.
ATLC located off of Union and Hwy 85. GREAT school. It is a family owned business. They advertise only through word of mouth and each year they are full to the capacity. Most teachers there are moms themselves so you can guarantee a loving nurturing environment. They even provide a Junior K program for those kids that are right on the cusp of entering Kinder. The 3 year old classes are offered music and French and the 4 year old program are offered Spanish, music and sign language. The music program is awesome. Ms. Jayne Tyson, the owner of ATLC, combines 2-3 classes once a week. She plays the piano while the kids sing songs and learn movements to the songs. Kids do not learn form CDs, cassettes or videos. They offer a M-F program as well as a MWF and T,TH program, all of which are PT/FT programs. Kids must be potty trained. ATLC stands for A Tyson Loving Care school. I have had 2 boys go through there and loved it. I bring them back once in a while just to keep in touch with the teachers. They are guaranteed hugs everytime they visit.
We live in Santa Clara too and are planning to send our daughter to Monticello Academy - they can start as young as 22 months.
Check out the free magazines you can get at the public library. One of them is "Bay Area Parents". Among the multitude of ads, you will find a list of daycare and preschools for each city of the Bay Area. Although not all of the schools are listed, you still get a pretty good list.
In addition, check these websites:
1. www.bayareakidfun.com/pages/preschools.html
2. bayareaparent.parenthood.com/
3. siliconvalley.parenthood.com
4. www.scribd.com/.../Bright-Beginners-in-Bay-Area-Parenting...
Of course, my personal fave is a little known gem in Mountain View:
Western Montessori.
That pre-school is owned by the same family who owns the Bay Area school for Montessori Teachers (www.montessori-training.org/) and owns the Nienhuis Montessori education materials distributor for North America ( www.nienhuis.com/index.php )