First I want you to go to www.dfps.state.tx.us and search for texas child care, search daycares, fill in info, click on search. the list will give you the names of the center or in-home center, whichever you choose. you can find out more information regarding this place/person if you click on their name, then go to the bottom of the page and click on the inspection dates to get more information about what kind of violations they had at each of those inspections. i would not be concerned with paperwork violations, more important would be the actual care of the children.
i really would like to speak with you further regarding your needs and your location. i'm currently offering child care services, but not yet licensed and registered. i'm hoping to have that done sometime in january. i'm working on finding a stable roof over our heads, i'm hoping that will be done around the 15th of december over in the cypress area.
please give me a call at ###-###-####.
thanks and good luck,