Sounds like she is almost ready.
My advise for a frustration free experience is, Mom, let go of the control. Relinquish it to her. Have a training potty (or step stool) where she can easily use it (one in each bathroom), be sure she is in clothes that she can easily get off & on. Let her work it out for herself.
Take her shopping & let her choose her very own "big girl" underpants. Let her know they are waiting for her when she is ready for them. Put them away & don't mention them again. I guarantee she will not forget they are there.
My son's experience:
The weekend before my son's 3rd b-day we let him go without a diaper. He had been showing all signs of potty readiness. Well, he had a bunch of accidents & was feeling really discouraged. We told him not to worry about it, just let us know when he was ready. The day after his birthday he said to me, "Mommy, I want to wear underpants". He never had an accident after that.
My daughter's experience:
She started to train herself at 17 months. We were about to move so I did little to encourage her other than having potties available for her to use. After the move she was using the potty by her self through out the day. My husband looked at me and asked "Why do you still have her in a diaper?" We removed it & she dint have accidents either.
My son never wet the bed. My daughter (a year and a half later at age 3.5) is still in a night time pull-up. So, even if your daughter trains. Don't make a fuss if she is not as successful at night. They dont do it on purpose, they cant help it. Making it an issue is an esteem-killer. Not worth it.
Good luck to you! Be patient & everyone will feel the success!