here's the conversation when Buzz is switched into Spanish mode:
Spanish Buzz: [immediately after being reset into Spanish, Buzz speaks into his wrist communicator] Bitácora Espacial - Me he despertado de hiper-sueño en un planeta extraño.
Hamm the Piggy Bank: [to Rex] Now what did you do?
Rex the Green Dinosaur: I just did what you told me!
Spanish Buzz: Estoy rodeado por criaturas extrañas y desconozco sus intenciónes. ¿¡Quién anda ahí? ¿Amigo? O enemigo?
[aims his laser at Woody]
Woody: Uh... Amigos! We're all amigos!
Spanish Buzz: [turns off laser and is suddenly friendly] Me debo haber estrellado, y se me borró la memoria.
[helmet still up, he kisses Woody quickly on each cheek]
Spanish Buzz: ¿Han visto a mi nave espacial?
Woody: [dumbstruck] We gotta switch him back.