As a mother of ten...five girls, five boys...I am just wondering if you can warn her that the next time she lies or tattles on someone, she'll be put in a "time-out" or deprived of something in some way..possible? I like first warning that while this has gone on in the past...from now on there'll be consequences. Also, can you teach her "thou shalt not lie?"
I do. Put the fear of God in them gently at a young age and it may guide them throughout life. We all need to fear God...then learn to love Him because His way is always blessed.
I don't know what disciplining her mother allows you to take.
Plus teach the little 4 yr. old that a "soft answer turnedth away wrath" so speak to the girl softly and there won't be yelling and all will learn the art of self control in speaking.
Just a couple of thots, hope they help...
B. in WI