Stop throwing temper tantrums hoping to manipulate your husband. Sounds like he is tired of it. It isn't going to work anymore..he needs a wife that will deal with this without all the emotions.
Yes, he is in the wrong for not coming clean about hanging out with single woman at the bar. But...don't go acting crazed and obsessed.
He needs guy time. You need girl time. Discuss as a married couple what you are to expect from these outings. I don't believe the bar scene is appropriate for married men to "hang out" at...nor married women to "hang out" at. You can get a drink at a more appropriate location rather than one that is know for hooking up...or meeting the opposite sex at. But that is just me...we don't drink...have never drank and we have never gone to bars. When my husband's friends go to bars he declines the invitation. His guy time is spent golfing or playing soccer...or doing a service project for someone with his guy pals.
You are acting crazy and obsessed in the emotional way you are reacting to his guys night. Talk about it calm and cooly without dramatic pouting and crying, and storming. Discuss as a couple that your first and most important allegiance is to each other.
I am glad you think his friend is a nice guy...that is commendable on your husband's part. BUT..he is single..his "guy time" is not intended to just be guys hanging out together to bond and talk(that is usually the womanly thing). He is a single,nice guy...looking to socialize with women. Two single "looking" men at a bar will attract women. And usually women come in two's...whether to a bar...or to the bathroom ;)
Sooo, do some apologizing to your husband for the emotional tantrums. Talk about your marriage. Talk about you understanding him needing some time to hang out with friends. Talk about how you are in need of some girl time too. Then come up with some guidelines you both will follow when it comes to being away from eachother.
If you keep throwing your crying and storming poutfests it will just further drive him away. Most men don't leave their familial nest simply for sex...but as an escape from where they don't feel loved, appreciated or trusted. Don't drive him away.
I wish you the best....