CPS Removed Kids from Teacher-At Home, Not School-need Advise

Updated on March 27, 2013
M.R. asks from Austin, TX
19 answers

If you found out your childs teacher had CPS in their home to remove his children, would you be concerned for your child in their classroom? If so, what would you do as a parent? And, if the school is allowing the teacher to remain there at the school as their teacher without telling anyone what happened, is this the right way to go about this? I'm connected because I work here at the school, and my friends' children are in the classroom. But the school told us to not say anything or we will be fired. The children were hit with a hanger. It has happened more than once.

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So What Happened?

Thank you for all your responses. As of today the teacher is not at school and a letter was sent home to the parents in his class. When I asked this question to this mama forum, it was for advise on how I should handle it with my friend and her child. I put myself in the same situation and would have wanted my friend to tell me. I understand that what people do in their homes is their business, this however is different because children were involved and they were being abused to the point of harm. What if this teacher snapped and did the same in his classroom? So many 'what if's' could have happened and I am sad for everyone involved and hope the teacher receives help and his children stay safe.

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answers from Columbus on

If the school is aware of the situation and has chosen to take no action against him, then either the situation does not involve him directly (such as his wife has the problem), there is not enough evidence (and they've removed the children until the case can be thoroughly investigated), or there is some other reason that makes it fine for him to continue his career, even if his home is failing. This isn't to justify what's happening, but simply to say you have absolutely no idea what the truth of the situation is and it's really nobody's business. The situation being they were hit with a hanger -- by whom? Do you know this for a fact? How? Has he actually been convicted of a crime?
I don't know -- I wouldn't ruin a man's career without more to go on than this...

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answers from New York on

The problem is you don't know the details of the CPS case. While this teacher's children were removed you don't know if the person living in the house hitting the children with a hanger is him or some other person in the home.

His superior's haven't taken any action against him in the classroom which may indicate that the "lynch mob" isn't needed.

Please don't spread rumors or repeat what was told to you. There isn't enough details to take action against the teacher at this time.

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answers from Chicago on

I run a multi-million dollar budget for my job. I balance with a less than 1/4 of a percent deviation and I am known to be one if the most detailed, accurate record keepers and documentarians in my companies history.

Don't have any idea how much money is in my checking acct or what I spend on which categories. How much I spend on groceries depend on my mood. I have virtually no savings.

Again, consistent high ratings at my job for something in which I am a complete disaster in my personal life.

Just sayin'

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answers from St. Louis on

Unless you don't mind getting fired what does it matter?

I judge my kids teachers on their ability to teach my kids, not raise their own. I raise my own kids so what they do on their off time doesn't effect that. It isn't like he is hitting the students with hangers, pretty sure that would have been reported.
I am surprised the number of people who can't understand why we wouldn't be worried. If there was an issue in the classroom our kids would have already brought it to our attention.

The second reason is easy, if they have a gag order it hasn't been proven, it is just an investigation. At this point it is nothing and no one should have their career ruined over gossip.

It isn't like a teacher isn't monitored. It isn't like he is going to snap one day, lock the kids in and pull out coat hangers.

I get people like to be paranoid but don't be shocked because we all don't follow suit.

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answers from Washington DC on

Anything you've ever done that someone could argue makes you a bad school employee?

At least one that I can think of - the school said don't talk about it and you are.

I'd be careful about judging someone just so that I could then gossip without guilt. I'm sure you're just "worried for the children" - but your involvement isn't going to help protect any kids, help the kids of this teacher or do anything to be a positive in this situation. So I would recommend letting it go.

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answers from Tampa on

Wow I'm shocked by the posters saying they would spread potential gossip that could ruin this mans life. Unless you KNOW the reasons cps removed them, and it's relevant to him teaching I would keep your mouth shut! It's really none of yours or anyone else's business. Even then I wouldn't tell the parents.

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answers from Boise on

I think it's okay to be cautious, but being a crappy parent, doesn't make someone a crappy teacher, and that's really where the situation is at.

Right now he hasn't been charged with anything. Sure CPS being there is a huge red flag, but that doesn't mean they are right. Innocent until proven guilty, and CPS is known to make mistakes. Kids do make false charges. There is a whole host of things that could be going on.

When my oldest was in high school, he had a really amazing special ed teacher. The kids just LOVED the tar out of him, he had a way of reaching the kids that many teachers seemed to struggle with.

Then one night he went partying with some friends, he was young and single, he got drunk, took the police on a chase and then fought with the police. He got to continue to teach, and many parents were concerned and while I agree that what he did was wrong, and he deserved his punishment. It had no effect on who he was as a teacher.

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answers from Santa Barbara on

Do you like job hunting? I really dislike it, it's a pain. You have been ordered to keep quiet. You do not know all of the information and they do not have enough reason to pull him out of class.

I never expected my daughter's teachers to be perfect outside of work, I expected them to be great during school.

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answers from College Station on

Personal matters are just that- personal. You MUST keep confidentiality. You are there at the school, so you would know if your children are in any danger. You have no idea why her kids were taken and you cannot make any judgements.

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answers from Green Bay on

In order for CPS to get involved and actually, physically, remove children from their home, there needs to be A LOT more going on than just that they were hit with a hanger.

However, how do you even know it was the person who was the teacher causing harm and not his/her spouse??

I am sure the gag order is there to prevent rumors from being started/spread. Even if a teacher told one parent what happened, there is nothing to say that another parent won't overhear/misinterpret what was said and that is how ugly rumors get started.

If you are concerned, I would talk to the school (the person who said "dont' say anything") and voice your concerns. How did YOU find out about this situation in the first place?

I don't blame you for being worried, I would be, too. Maybe there is more to the story though - someone ELSE is the reason for the children being removed. This teacher is going through a lot by having his/her children removed - don't add to it by assuming it is for the reasons you think...

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answers from Phoenix on

Totally unprofessional to spread gossip. If I were your principal and found out one of my employees was spreading such damning rumors about a staff member, that person would be severely reprimanded. You don't know all the facts, you've been asked to keep quiet. Period.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

If he's still working then they have either finalized the investigation and he's innocent or they determined they couldn't find any reason to charge him. They tend to be overly cautious in a lot of cases so that someone can't come back and say they didn't investigate the claims. They could be doing all sorts of things. You just don't know.

Even if they file charges the school can't let him go or suspend him on supposition. The charges could be false then they'd be opening themselves up to his getting millions from a lawsuit for wrongful termination.

They can't even let him go during a trial, he could be found innocent. The school does not want a riot on their hands and if it comes to choosing they'll choose him because if they don't he has a wonderful grounds for suing the heck out of them and anyone that spread rumors about him.

Had he done the hitting on the school grounds and people had seen him doing it then they might have a different avenue they could follow. f they had huge whelps on their legs in the shape of a hanger then there would be more proof, he may not have had any of those things happen here, he may have been blindsided by these accusations. He is innocent until convicted in a court of law. That's all there is to it.

What if someone started a rumor about you that said you hit your kids with a hanger and the state showed up and removed them. They'd be wrong about it right? What if your co-workers started gossiping about it and the parents went nuts, to the point where you couldn't even work there any more, you lost your kids, your job, your respect, your status as a teacher in good standing, etc....you'd feel differently if it had happened to you. You'd want the school to support you in every way and to keep you working until the outcome was known. If you were found innocent you'd want to stand up and shout it out that it was a lie and that you were not guilty. But your reputation would still be lost and your career would be over no matter if you were innocent or guilty of much worse.

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answers from Houston on

You all really expect too much from a teacher. We are LOWLY paid babysitters, but you expect us to be saints.

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answers from New York on

It would concern me a lot, but I think it's also important to be aware that you probably don't know the whole story. What I guess I'd do -- assuming other teachers are aware of this as well -- is sit down with a small group of them and talk through your options. I do think this is worrying, but you also want to proceed cautiously.

I'm surprised by how many people on this thread respond in such confident tones, e.g., No, they wouldn't be concerned, even a tiny little bit. This is certainly a case for worry, even if you also need to weigh your options carefully and not rush to judgment.

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answers from Dover on

I would go to the principal. Explain that while you understand that you are not allowed to disclose this info you are concerned because knowing the children were hit w/ a hanger and removed from the home would cause you great concern as a parent. As a teacher you are required to protect the children in your classroom and your school. Ask if they can eleviate your concern by explaining how/why the teacher is still allowed to be responsible for other people's children but not their own...was the teacher not the one doing the hitting and/or not there when it happened (meaning not the abuser)? If you don't get an answer that you feel is appropriate, go the the superintendent or, better yet, contact CPS (without giving your name) and explain that this person is a teacher and you know this has happened and ask if it is safe for them to still be teaching.

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answers from Salinas on

Could you advise your friends (parents of kids in the class) to volunteer in the classroom?

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answers from Dallas on

Although I can almost hear the alarm bells going off in your head, there is a lot that you don't know about the circumstances. The children may have been removed due to another adult present in the house. It will eventually get to the parents of the students in the class - they can raise the issue with the principal. CPS investigations are usually very private, so I don't know how much info is available. Sorry you are in this situation of being told you can't say anything.

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answers from Washington DC on

Oh wow. Heck yes this would concern me! How did you find out what happened? Could your friend "stumble" across the same information you have? You need to be careful here. I think morally it is right for your friend to know this information, HOWEVER, you can and probably will be fired if you share another teacher's personal information with a parent. So, I guess I am saying I would try to find a way for the other parent to be able to "figure this out on their own". Once she does, its on like donkey kong, because she does not work for the school and can spread the word to other parents without worrying about getting fired. The uproar from the parents will force the school into action.


And I too am shocked at all the parents that claim they would not give a sh*t if their kids teacher was beating his own kids with hangers. And, I am assuming the person posting the question knows what happened and is not making guesses on her post.



answers from San Francisco on

Wow, not a good sign.

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