honestly, the best thing you can do is NOTHING ! because, there is nothing that a creditor loves more then a head in the clouds adult who refuses to look at their money situation seriously.if you try to help her by giving her money to pay the bills, more then likely, the money will go everywhere BUT toward paying bills.if you talk to her creditors, they will start sending all the bills to you, AND continue to loan her money so that she will owe them even more . see, because, according to the law, if you become her legal guardian and she can no longer be held accountable for paying the bills, she can still run up the bills, and she or her creditors are under no obligation to tell you until after the fact. my first mil
was exactly like you mother, i refused to take on her bills and i never regretted it, my bil, however, let her run up the bills, and did nothing, then when she died, her creditors took him to the cleaners for several million,he went from owning a 4000 square foot house and huge estate, to living in an unheated, no electricity trailer.
K. h.