Welcome to having a toddler. I went into my dr with the same question with my one year old who was in daycare. She said that because kids have no built up immunities it's either going to happen early, due to day care, siblings or other activities, or when they enter school.
As far as his classes, well that's up to you. I think a lot of parents don't do winter classes for just that reason. They either feel like they don't get their money's worth because of so many missed classes or are just tired of having their kids catch every cold that they come in contact with.
I'd say, as a mom of three, you are exactly right in your diagnosis tho - it's back to back to back colds.
To help cut down on colds and germs in our house, we do the following:
- multivitamins, plus extra vit C gummies
- we use hand sanitizing wipes in the car after every activity/playdate as soon as they are "clicked"
- we wash again before every meal/snack
- we change clothes when we get home. I bought the kids loungewear to hang out it at home...yoga pants, comfy shirts and new slippers.
- when in doubt, we wash hands again
- if kids we know are sick, we cancel the playdate
- for the winter, we go to the library a lot (to rent movies and games for indoor days), we swim at the Y, we do lots of arts and crafts and cooking
This may sound extreme, but we have a newborn in the house and he's already had several illnesses that have been AWFUL, not just run of the mill colds.
Just remember, most viruses are contagious BEFORE you start showing any symptoms. So in part, small children's lack of hygiene results in tons of germs being spread around anyway. So be your own safeguard for your child...wash, wash, wash and keep hands away from the face.
The "rule" as I know it for illness (according to preschools, daycares and general drs advice) is no fever, vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hrs. That said, I have seen PLENTY of kids who clearly are sick - DRAINING green snot, coughing and sneezing, pinkeye, etc. and the moms still bring them. It drives me crazy! I don't understand why you'd want to drag your kids out when they clearly don't feel well.
I'm sorry you're in the midst of this. It's horrible. I feel so bad for them getting sick; sometimes it seems like they never get to come up for air before they are sick again.
Good luck - and keep washin'!