After having several friends that worked in daycare, I decided early on to avoid daycare at all costs. But, I'm an artist, writer, and hermit. The friends I have, I;ve been friends with for at least 12 years, and I too, am in a state away from my friends and family, but between my family and my work, both are which my passions, respectively, my plate is too full to even be interested in meeting new people.
As far as daycare generally speaking, I feel if you have to do it, do it. Some kids love it, some hate it, you won't know until you try so give it a shot, maybe let them go for a day or two a week beofre making any big committments.
I should also add from my own experience, working from home is great, in the case that you're a night owl that can run fine on 3-5 hours of sleep.