You should talk to your Doctor about pain, but it is also likely that your ligaments are relaxing to allow your bones to spread, as this happens when the baby drops lower into the pelvis. The ligaments all over your body are relaxed for the impeding birth, it is one of the ways your body changes to allow the baby to be born through your pelvis, and the reason that you waddle. Always check with your doctor, or speak to the nurse, they understand and expect questions and would rather be telling you not to worry about something than to miss something that you should worry about.
I doubt any doctor would schedule an induction without medical necessity. You baby would probably be fine, but it is a much better experience if you just go into labor the old fashoned way. I had two medically necissary inductions, but when into labor naturally once, and it was the easiet, quickest, most carefree delivery of the three. You can be at home for quite some time if you go into labor naturally, but you will have to be in the hospital for the early labor if you are induced.
Some things you cannot control or make sure happen in a way that meet every expectation. You will learn just how often this is the case once your baby is born, and you would be best to learn that ridgid expection is going to lead you to un needed disapointment. I would reccomend that you get used to a little inconvience in your life and learn to be OK with not being able to plan the way your life is going to go, becasue you can't do that, especially now that you are going to be a Mom. If you don't, the next few years are going to be really difficult for you. The first rule of Mommyhood is to love the baby (and the experience) that you get and forget what you thought it would be like, because that is not going to happen. It really is much different, and usually much better than your thought it would be. Having that attitidue will see you though the moments that are harder than you ever dreamed too.
What will be, will be and you can't change that.