I'm a leader for 5 years and am blessed to have the best co-leader. We are 2nd year juniors. It is our viewpoint that Girl Scouts is about empowering girls and helping them develop leadership skills. Once the girls bridged to Juniors, we put them in control of their meetings and we leaders have taken on more of a counseling role. As the girls get older-they want to feel more in control. I also thinks this keeps the girls in scouts longer, too, when they can steer activites into their interests. The new Journey program is definitely girl driven and the leaders are just there to help.
For example, last year we divided up the meetings and allowed each girl to choose the badge they wanted to work on. The girl was responsible for doing research and picking activites. They even made me a supply list of what was needed. Half of the meetings were leader driven since we were working on towards bronze award.
We do have a kaper chart for meetings but we are very lax on using that. The girl who brings snack passes it out, all girls help clean up. durin camp, each girl is responsible for her own gear, dishes, etc., and meals were divided up into groups:Cook, fire, clean up, hostess.
Do you have a good service area manager or leader mentor you both could have a meeting with? Perhaps a refresher leader training course might be good for both of you to get on the same page and see if you have the same vision. It could be you two are just not a match. How long have you bee co-leading together? I hope I gave you some insight. If you want to give more specific details, send me a message and I might have better ideas.