I have not used them first hand, but I did research them and I think they are way over-priced as evidenced by the requirement for frequent follow-ups, their supplements, etc.
You can get an idea of where your hormones are on your own by doing this saliva test: www.canaryclub.org . I like the ZRT one, but the DiagnosTech one is also good. Many doctors use these same tests, but you'll pay alot more getting it through a doctor's office. However, I don't recommend self-treating as balancing the hormones is quite delicate. But, this would give you personally a good idea of where you are, you can educate yourself on the options (there's lots of good websites).
There's also an EXCELLENT book by Richard Shames: "Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled?".
That book helps you determine what hormones are contributing to the majority of your symptoms. Many of the treatments are OTC and these are the best to start with as they are the most mild.
I honestly would recommend Dr. Margaret Christensen in Dallas: www.christensencenter.com This is her area of specialty. She was a top OB/GYN in Dallas, but had hormonal issues herself when she realize how inadequate conventional medicine was in dealing with these issues. She does the saliva tests, so if you do them on your own, she'll start with those. She only recommends bio-identical hormones and first recommends supplements before Rxes. One thing to watch out for no matter which doctor you go to is that if they tell you they're the only ones from whom you can get product xyz, then they're in it for the money. Many, many of these products are available at health food stores, etc. (top quality brands). So, if they aren't willing to work with you in allowing you to choose from whom you buy your supplements, then I'd recommend to find another doctor. That said, some doctors do have these products competitively priced - e.g, Dr. Christensen sells Metagenics on her website for the same price you can get at health food stores and the shipping is free for orders over a certain dollar amount.
Also, some of these practices push their compounded products (made in their in house pharmacies) for some hormones like thyroid etc. These are NOT always as effective as normal prescriptions and the compounded ones are not often covered by insurance.