You've already gotten a lot of good information. I would also suggest looking into www.diaperswappers.com. They have a section just for WAHMs.
From what I have observed is that most WAHM mom's do a mix of custom and premade diapers. Often offering the premades at a slightly cheaper price than the customs but not always. Some mom's are willing to wait for a custom order because they love the ideas of choosing a specific inner and outer fabric as well as the closure method (snaps v. aplix). Where other mothers would rather just get the diapers right away and are willing to take what ever you've got in stock.
I'd love to see what you have to offer if you'd like to message me! I've tried a large variety of diapers and also make my own on occasion (though I've never sold them). I'm not sure if you're looking for feedback on your diapers themselves but I'd love to help you out if I can.