Since you are in the middle of a legal process, it is possible that you can get a court ordered psychological evaluation that is conducted to determine the safety and emotional status of his illness on your children, who would be represented by an advocate appointed just for them in the proceedings. I would speak to your attorney about it, because any bad news about your ex will be better received by all invovled, for the rest of your children's lives, if it does not come from you. I would say less rather than more, and tell your kids that some people have probelems, and we care for the sick in our families. This is a form of mental illness, and though you cannot live with him, he is still a valuable human being, and if they are able to look at the illness with a little less disapointment in him, and more disapointment in his illness, maybe they will not carry quite as much baggae into the future. You certainly do not want any of that baggage assoicated with you; you need to be their rock. The more compasion you can muster and modle, the better off you will be.