Childcare Possibly Needed North Dallas

Updated on September 28, 2007
J.R. asks from Berlin, MD
4 answers

Hello. I am currently living in Euless, and I'm trying to get a job. The job so far seems promising and doesn't start till middle of august. It is 4 days during the week and 1 weekend day, which most likely will be sunday (but not positive) the Hours I will be working are 12:30-9 if I get the position. So I will need childcare probably from about 11:45am till 9:30pm. on workdays. Give or take a few minutes depending on where you are. Like I said I'm driving from Euless to North Dallas, not far from galleria i believe and I'm not familiar with the areas. So I'm looking for childcare for my 2 year old daughter if I were to get the position. I guess I'm looking a little in advance so that I can see what the rates would be and who is available that time. (The training is 12 or 15 weeks (not sure which one) but the training is mon-fri 12;30-9. Thanks for any responses on what rates I could expect.

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I have found someone! Thanks to everyone :)

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answers from Dallas on

hej well i live in n. dallas area by galleria .my name is B. and i have a 2 yr old son if you still need a babysitter please call ###-###-#### thank you looking forward to talk to you



answers from Dallas on

I'm sorry that I can't help with your babysitting issue, however if you decide you'd like to work from home so you don't need a sitter, check out my website. The earning potential is's based on how hard you want to work your business. Earn a little or earn a lot, including the use of a free car! Best of all, stay home with your kids while having fun AND earning income!

Best of luck to you. God bless!



answers from Dallas on

An early congrats on the job!



answers from Dallas on

Hi there. I'm not sure if you're still looking, but if so I'm available. I've been looking for a part time job, but I'm not so excited about leaving my daughter. Either way, I'm available all day, and night. I know daycares aren't usually open till 9 at night so you may have a hard time with that. I have many references and lots of childcare experience. Thanks. And I hope everything works out for you!

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