Too sweet... a 21 month old little one. As you know, they grow to be so smart at that age. The also learn pretty quickly what behavior gets a reaction from their folks. My son did the same thing your child is doing after being such a good bedtime boy. It sounds like you are assured nothing is wrong with him but an interuption in his sleep patter. As hard as it may be, you'll just have to help me get through it and that is going into his room, laying him back down on his bed assuring him he is ok and it's time to go to sleep- you have to walk out of the room after that! He will continue to fuss and after 20 minutes or so I would simply go back in and repeat the process but walk out. This assures him you are there, he is ok but it is time to go to sleep. You will be assured he is ok but have to endure several times of doing that until he realizes he needs to go to sleep. Next to potty training that was the most challenging thing with my son but in time he returned to his routine sleep patter and stopped doing that. I did a warm bath and rub down in baby lotion to sooth him before bedtime and after a bit of realizing he needs to go sleep and you not going to allow him to get up... he will get past this phase but plug your ears and be patient, ha! ha!
Best Wishes!