Let them tell him what he needs to pay and let them enforce it.
Okay I'm going to court yet again, for me it is a neverending story I tell you. Anyways the last 3 times I let him off easy, paying less than half the support. That lasts maybe 2-3 months at most then back in court (contempt of court for him failing to pay court ordered support). I just want to know if I should just say either screw it (wish I could but the state says no since my child is on state assistance) or just tell them I want it all.
Let them tell him what he needs to pay and let them enforce it.
He helped make the kids so he helps pay for them. Simple. Go back to court, make him pay the correct amount without making it less and ideally make it so it goes thru a state clearing house so it comes right out of his check and into your bank account. good luck.
Yes, pursue it but don't let it consume you. I learned a long time ago when I was divorced with one child that success was the best revenge! We were/are both professionals but I had the determination to live a great life with a loving daughter, a great home, an opportunity to travel often and a thriving career. We are very close and parent together but I refuse to make extracting money from him or relying on anybody my priority. Get a good job, work hard, move up and anything you will get is a bonus.
don't back down. as long as you aren't paying for court, keep going. i've been calling child support recovery every month for 13 years to keep them on our case. he never shows up for court or pays but this will follow him forever. if he would ever get a job, they would garnish his wages and tax refund. there is a warrant for his arrest for nonpayment contempt of court but they don't actually look for him for that - if he gets caught for anything else, it will be on the system. i keep fighting, tho, basically for the principal of the matter. i agree, your success is good revenge. i have supported my daughter no matter what even tho that other money would help a ton. my ex hasn't tried to contact us in 10 years but i would use visitation as leverage for getting child support payments if he had. good luck.
S. m
Tell the court you want it all....but on the same token - do NOT let this situation rule your life. you will get stuck in a never ending cycle that will eventually wear you down and you will be bitter....your child deserves more from you than that...
So instead of letting this make a presence in your life every day - I know it's hard since your son is on state assistance - but - focus on all the good things in your life and just keep track of the non-payment....get as much as you can...he helped bring this child into the world, he needs to support it.
Ask the judge to order a garnishment on all of his money. Payroll, it is taken before he gets his check and they money is sent directly to you. Tax refunds work the same way. Also see if you can get a lien on his car or any other valuables. If he owns a house you can get a lien on that also. If he sells either on a title search will find the liens and you will get paid before he sees any money.
You want it all. Minnesota's support calculations are fair (in my opinion) and exist to take the inconsistency out of the process of awarding support amounts. Your children deserve to be supported adequately.
You can go through an outside child support collection. Utah uses ORS (office of recovery services) and with state assistance it is adequate. If he doesn't pay they don't nag you about it, they nag him and leave you out of it. If he won't pay them then after 6 months (depending on the state) you can go to court and cut his rights.. depending on how physically involved he is in your life. I just tend to see people who don't pay child support or try to are usually dead beat parents, not always, but mostly.
I'd go for all of it. It helps. Just detach yourself and don't expect it but happy when you get it... if you get what I mean :) Don't let it effect your mood
Your child deserves it all. Does he keep switching jobs that child support keeps stopping? Otherwise it should be taken directly out of his check. Why are you the one to take him back to court? I know in WI if he goes over 180 days of non-paymnet it is a felony. The state child support agency will take him to court for that, but sometimes you have to push for it. Good luck!
If you're on state assistance, why do you get a say at all? Why isn't the state going after him for everything that he owes? It hardly seems fair that the public is supporting your family before he is, right?
Stick to your guns and don't give in - if you really don't want the hassle of dealing with him, they you'd have to be able to work FT, pay for daycare and support yourself and your child 100%. If you can't do that (I know that I couldn't when I was single mom - my parents helped out with childcare) then yes, he has an obligation to pay 100% of his support order.