Kids are so cute and what a game you have going there. There are clips that you can hook the binki too where he wouldn't be able to throw it over the rail of the crib and it would still be available for him, as long as it isn't to long where it can wrap around his neck.
Next is to not play his game. If he stands up and cries for you, go in calm him without picking him up, and lay him back down in his crib saying "it is time to sleep". Do this with a smile so he knows it is a positive thing. After a bit you could stick your head in the room and say "Lay down, it is time to sleep". He may cry a little but I am one who doesn't believe in letting a child cry themselves to sleep. If you go to sleep upset and crying, you have such a restless sleep and bad dreams. If you go to sleep with pleasant thoughts you will have peaceful dreams and sleep. So if he cries, comfort him, just don't pick him up.
Another thing you can do is have a rocking chair in the room where he can see you and sit in there and read a book while he is laying down for his nap. I always used calming music to play while putting my kids down, it helps them calm their little minds which goes a hundred miles a minute. He will know you are around, but he still has to sleep.