What a great sister you are! By reading your post, I can tell you are a very caring and nuturing person. Your family is blessed to have you as a daughter, sister, and mother. This is what I have found when ttrying to find help with my 12 yr old son. Be polite but very persistent with the school administration and the teachers. Keep communicating with them and asking for help for your brother. You may even call Legal Aid in your area to find an organization that helps families in the educational system. Legal Aid is free. If they are not able to help, ask where you can find help. Find out who the school social worker is or the school special education person and ask them , straight forward, "What services might be available for my brother". There are a lot of government guidlines that schools must follow, especially with children who are struggling. By struggling it could be one of many things. For example, language, economics, development, learning challenges, homelessness, nutrition, psychological. Some things that might be available are, an EST - educational support team, a 504 plan, or an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan). Is there an afterschool program available for homework help? Is the school able to provide a tutor for one-on-one work during a study hall or after school? I am sure there are government mandated supports available for your brother because your parent do not speak English. Your family has a first native language, the children speak english, but that is considered a second language. Keep asking questions and looking for answers. The school might not want to offer answers because it costs them money to support students. The trick is you have to ask them the right questions? I know, first hand, it is not easy. I only speak english and I'm white so "technically" I wouldn't run into barriers, but I did and I do. So keep at it! Your family has a right to an education and ALL it offers. I know it can be stressful at home helping one child with homework and the others also wanting attention. That is why I suggest the Afterschool help or a tutor. It will relieve some of the stress at home. There is help out there, better to find it now and get supports in place before he goes to middle school. In middle school organization and homework completion becomes even more important. Many blessings for you and your family. You are doing great things for your siblings and children.
M. P.