I'm a little upset at the responses to this post. Being a parent of a biter, I have learned that this behavior is much more difficult to break than I ever would have imagined. I am a parent that has limits and rules and wants my child to behave correctly so I have been brought to tears when I have found out that my child is biting at daycare.
Unfortunately, it is a very normal stage that some children go through at this stage of life--before they can communicate well on their own. My child is still very oral and tactile and I think that has something to do with it. My child still puts every toy, every thing in his/her mouth still at 18 months old, when I see that others in the 1 year room are growing out of that.
My child will bite when another invades my child's personal space and my child will bite if another takes away my child's toy. Unfortunately, my child does not have the verbal skills to address such issues and learned to bite at daycare and now uses that as a quick way to get what he/she wants.
I'm also very disappointed in the comment, "some children are just that mean!" Everyone at my daycare will attest to the fact that my child doesn't have a mean bone in his/her body. My child has a very sweet and independent nature. That is why it is heartbreaking for everyone in the situation because we can't seem to figure out how to fix it. Every time my child bites, we tell him/her to not bite, that is not okay, it hurts other people, etc. and redirect her.
My child has been shadowed throughout the day and often bites right when the teacher looks away. We are going to try pinning a teething toy to my child's shirt. Although, I'm not sure it will work. My child has never taken to teething toys so I'm not sure why he/she would now. They are also contemplating moving my child to the next room a bit early because for some reason my child does not bite in the older toddler room. My child is possibly bored in the current room or just needs to be removed from the one child until he/she grows out of this.
I am glad that my daycare is also working with us to figure it out. I'm not sure how just sending the child home will take care of the problem. Not only are they being thoughtful of the child that gets bitten, but they will not give up on my child who is biting. Rather than send my child home or out of daycare, they are trying to work with my child to solve the problem and to get my child through this!
So L., I just thought I'd give you another side of the story. Also, I'd love to hear from mothers who have actually been on my side of the fence that have figured it out. And don't have all of the misconceptions already posted on this post!