I didn't have a problem at all with my now 3 yrd old when we switched her to milk/off bottles at one year old, but did have an issue w/ my now 20 month old.
Here's what we did.... let's say we gave her 8 oz of formula in a bottle. Well, we'd only give her 6 oz of formula and 2 oz would be whole milk. Then the next day we'd give her a bottle w/ 4 oz of forumla and 4 oz of whole milk. She started to realize something was different here, but we just kept offering it to her and eventually she realized that's what she was getting and she took it. Once she did that without much trouble we gave her 2 oz of formula w/ 6 oz of whole milk. Then finally we got down to all milk w/ no formula. Sometimes they need the gradual change in taste.
Also, I never had an issue getting rid of the bottle w/ my now 3 yr old, but did w/ my now 20 month old. So, We offered sippy cups. But not the ones w/ the spouts in them (there's a theory that when given those kinds of cups too often for too long it can actually affect the child's speech later on). We bought the cups that have straws in them. Apparently, that's the best thing for them to drink out of. The next choice would be a sippy cup w/out the spout, and the last choice should be the sippy cup w/ the spout. There are some you can buy where you can actually close a "lid" type thing over the straw so it doesn't spill out. My girls just learned to do that on their own. At meals they get regular cups, but when we go out or they're playing they get the cups w/ the straws.
I found battling the milk issue first was helpful, then she realized the bottle wasn't what she normally liked so she took the sippy cups. And, I just stopped offering the bottle. It caused some crying, but I introduced her to new ways to soothe herself, like a soft blanket or singing her songs, etc.