Your little one is EXPLORING!!!
You cannot tell exactly what is going on in his mind, but there is definitely something special about either clothes, or the fact how he looks like, or how he feels like in different attire.
If you both are tired of folding clothes,
I'd suggest just let them be in a neat pile in one corner for awhile.
It will definitely pass, it won't last forever.
One of my sons experimented with numbers , for example:
at some point, he started telling me: "TWO!"
I give him a piece of bread, he says TWO.
I give him a glass of milk, he says TWO, and just looks at me.
It lasted about a month, and luckily I figured out how to get around it:
I took this glass of milk, and took an empty glass, and poured half of the milk into this empty glass: thus we had two glasses, half filled with milk. Whenever I gave his something and he said TWO, I divided it in half: two slices of bread, two apples, and so on. Two little toy cars, two teddy bears :)
One day, he quit saying TWO, and was perfectly content with ONE.
Then, he also explored the words YES-NO.
He started responding me with th both words together:
I ask: "Shall we go for a walk?" He said: "YES-NO!"
""Do you want an apple?" "YES-NO!"
"Are you thirsty?" "YES-NO!
"Did you like this cartoon?" "YES-NO!"
I was very puzzled of course, but I did not make it into a big deal, because I knew he is as stubborn as myself anyway, and won't quit on my demand. I started doing just what I found right, without paying attention to his strange response, and interestingly enough, he accepted both ways: "Thirsty?" and on his "YES-NO!" I experimented with two options, sometimes "Oh, you ARE!" and gave him some juice. or "Ah, you are NOT!", and did not give him anything. He accepted both versions without any emotions.
then, i passed, and the boy was back to 'normal'.
We can never figure out exactly, C., what is going on in hte little head, but my guess is, we need to be happy and creative around them. After all, we learn while they are growing, not any less than they do, at least we learn the most valuable thing: PATIENCE :) !!
So, I wish you both to be happy,
for you to be as creative as your little boy is,
and keep your smiles on!!!
GooDay to you !!!