I too have stories of people I know on lists because of misunderstandings, investigations, or lies. I think that everyone does and that it is a difficult subject. That being said I personally try not to pay attention to who around me is a registered sex offender. Not because I don't care. But because I would rather not let my guard down with anyone. I don't want to be consumed and worried about the house marked with the scarlett letter that I miss jo shmoe down the block who is not registerd simply because he has not been caught. Who is a bigger threat? who knows? I believe that people can be rehabbed but not to the point where they are zero threat. And even 1% is too much of a threat to me. So it is concerning that the bus stop is near this guys house. I would let the school and parents around me know so they can be vigilant but again I'd rather do so with everyone. but that does not mean if the bus stop is moved the same threat won't be right there too. The difference then is that you might not know.