What do his diapers look like? Are they yellow and seedy, or green and stringy? Are you feeding him only from one breast per nursing session, or switch hitting? Also pulling him off to burb will cause him to get air, a good latch and allowing him ot fully nurse a full session from one breast will help, no breaks, no breaking his latch, just let him eat.
If you are switching breasts in the middle of a session, then he's not gtting enough hind milk, and hte foremilk will cause him tobe gassy, and not satisfied. He only needs to nurse from one breast per session, that way he gets the foremilk which satiates his thirst, and the hindmilk which is fatty, fills him up, and contains everything he needs to grow and thrive.
Its not necessary to switch breasts after 10mins, or even 20mins, just let him nurse until he is done on one breast, that way he can eek out every last drop of that hindmilk, not get so much foremilk, and won't be so gassy. He'll also be satisfied longer and get more of the fat his body needs.