Hi, I see you got a lot of responses, but, just to add....! Yes, I am still breastfeeding and my guy just turned 2. And, yes, I get a lot of flak from my family about it, so, I try not to bring it up. I would like him to self-wean, but, for right now, he seems to really need/want the comfort. Well, that and the milk. We primarily do it for sleeping (in the middle of the night, too, which won't change, I"m sure, as long as we are co-sleepers). I have been talking to him about ending "the boobie" ("my boobie," as he says), and I'm making a book about what babies do vs. what big boys do (just construction paper and photos), and we'll see if he starts to self-wean. In the meantime, it is what it is..... (-: