What an amazing accomplishment, still nursing twins at 15 months. You must be so proud of yourself.
It can be hard to nurse our babies for so long. My daughter is 27 months and we are still nursing. It is not her, me, or even her 7 month old brother that make this difficult but the people around us. Tandem nursing is a beautiful thing. You are giving your children a wonderful gift.
My daughter goes through phases where she wants to nurse all the time and then she only nurses sometimes. When I was working outside the home she definitely wanted to nurse more. I found myself coming home from work and immediately doing house work. The laundry, dishes, dinner, all needed to be done. This took me away from my children even more causing even more trouble. My daughter would throw fits and refuse to go to bed. She wanted to stay up all night just to be with me.
What finally helped us was implementing a daily routine. A family schedule that was the same every day even when I was not home. The time I was at home was spent enjoying my children, playing games, going to the park, reading books, and juts having fun. It seemed to help everyone. My infant is eating more at meals times and sleeping longer at night. My toddler is so busy during the day she does not ask to nurse as often and is happy to go to bed at night. My house work is easier as it is done more regularly.
I believe we set the stage for how our children will behave and feel about life. I was stressed about not being home with them and felt I would never have enough time to do it all. It is a difficult job to be a mother, wife, and employee. As soon as I relaxed and felt better about my position in it all everything worked out.
Don’t give up on what you believe is best for your children and your family. This too will pass.