If you find something let me know, my 8 year old still doesn't do a good job...My 12 year old is wonderful, loud and proud...didn't do anything differently, just a different child! Maybe it's not us parents...maybe it's the kids! LOL!
Help! How do i teach my 3 1/2 year old to blow her nose? I don't think i am doing a very good job. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
If you find something let me know, my 8 year old still doesn't do a good job...My 12 year old is wonderful, loud and proud...didn't do anything differently, just a different child! Maybe it's not us parents...maybe it's the kids! LOL!
I taught my little girl like this.
Take a deep breath that pooches out your cheeks. Then hold your hand over your mouth and blow while mommy holds the tissue. Worked like a charm for us.
It took a while for my daughter to get it, but what worked was pretending to be animals (Rhino, Cow, Horse etc) that ‘snorted’. I’d close my mouth and pretend to be a Rhino; of course, then she wanted to be a Rhino too, so she was able to blow air through her nose.
Well you are not alone, my son is 3 and I can never get him to blow. He just sucks the snot in, LOL! I think he is just stubborn because he thinks it is hysterical everytime he does it.
Hi there,
I have a 2 ear old, just turned. He has been blowing his nose now for a couple months and he does a grest job. I think his grandma taught him mostly but I just showed him by doing it myself. Then after a few times he tried to copy me.
He's an expert now. Kids at thi age love to copy you so try that.
good luck.
Try making it fun. Have her try to blow bubbles with her nose instead of her mouth. Or, in the bath if she's not afraid to get her face wet you can have her blow bubbles with her nose.
It takes alot of practice but my 19 month old learned by me having move the tissue with the air from her nose. I would also put her finger or arm under my nose and show her were the air comes from. She still doesn't get it write all the time but it just takes practice. It took my 4yr old longer because I didn't use that trick with her.I would just say "do like mommy, put the air in the tissue". Hope this helps.