Dear N.,
I panicked a few years ago, because my uterus was prolapsing. When I went to my ob/gyn, this is what he told me - that if it feels like the end of your nose, it's your uterus, if it has a ridged texture, then it is your bladder. I ended up having a prolapsing uterus and a cystocele (my uterus is "falling out" and my bladder is kind of following behind, because it has lost the support of the vagina as the uterus prolapses) - you can also have a rectocele - which, thank God, I don't. I was told that I can have a hysterectomy if I want, but so far it is my choice. I have opted to hold onto my uterus as long as possible. And, just to let you know, that first panic was nearly seven years ago. I am single, and the few times I have had sex in the mean time, it has not been a problem. I do have to be careful to "go" when I have to go and not put it off, as is my inclination - the only times I have accidents are when I don't empty my bladder right now when I need to . . .
On the positive side, gravity is an equal opportunity ravager, my breasts and my uterus are all between my knees - we call it "one stop shopping" =D
And, btw, I don't think things ARE ever the same . . . between time, gravity, childbirth, etc . . . but that doesn't mean things will be awful . . .
Best wishes and
good luck!