no clue, but most interesting question i've seen on mamapedia for while!
:) khairete
On my dog's older poop, I keep finding this crazy stuff! It almost looks like the insides of a tennis ball but it's black. It covers the poop and has little yellow dots in it. ??? At first I thought that she was eating her balls and then vomiting or pooping it out, but I don't find it on fresh poo, just old ones in the yard.
I've tried to google it but nothing yet. Anyone know what the heck this stuff is??
No, it's not Pisolithus tinctorius. It looks seriously like a mass of the insides of a tennis ball, not like a typical fungus. I'm really super curious to see if this is a fungus or some kind of bug nest?? It's really gross either way. Our pooper scooper was broken so poo was lying around and I'm finding this stuff all over.
no clue, but most interesting question i've seen on mamapedia for while!
:) khairete
most likely fungus, there is a type that can grow quickly on feces. Think its called Pisolithus tinctorius. Also know as Horse Dung Fungus or basically any poo fungus. If it worries you, take in a sample to the vet. Use a zip lock baggie and a plastic spoon.
I would agree that it is something probably forming on the stool if it's been sitting around for a while, as opposed to it being present on fresh stool. As long as the stool looks normal coming out, and your dog does not have any other symptoms and is otherwise acting fine, I wouldn't worry about it. You can always have a sample dropped off at your vet's to check for parasites, but otherwise it's probably nothing.
Old stuff, it's probably slug tracks.
New poop, might be worms.