Hi Im L. I have a 7 year old boy, Kendall.. When he was about 5 or 4 he went through the whole bitting thing, and he was violent and angry.. I believe it is because of anger and what is going on at home..
He even bite a Teacher... How, I got him through it was alot of talking and just never ever giving up on him.. I tried to help him deal with his anger. I brought him to counseler and I made him go in and apolizge to the teacher... He was older than your daughter, but I think just not giving up on her and really tring to put yourself in her shoes and then go from there...
Kendall is doing much better he has learned to control his anger.. It is all about learining to control the feelings.. A good things was when he felt like that he tolld the teacher and she didn't get mad she just tried to help him trough the angry feelings.
hope that helps alittle bit...