Birth Control - Jackson,MI

Updated on July 13, 2010
J.P. asks from Jackson, MI
9 answers

Had my daughter four weeks ago and just stopped breast feeding. I do not want the pill, so I am wondering what else works well.

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answers from Boston on

I have a Mirena IUD, and I like it well enough. I like not having to think about birth control on a daily basis. I also get very short, very light periods. (like 1-2 days, panty-liner flow).

I do find that I have noticeable PMS symptoms, though, like cravings, bloating, and fatigue. And...though I have mostly blocked it out, I had pretty severe cramping, and very heavy almost-constant bleeding for the first few months. I remember my doctor saying "you'll love this in 6 months", which I do, but it was kind of a long road to "love" if you know what I mean.

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answers from Chicago on

I plan on getting an IUD at my 6 week apt. I'll be going with Paraguard, after a lot of research. I'd prefer to be hormone free.

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answers from Detroit on

I have been getting the depo provera (not sure if that's spelled right) since I had my son 4 years ago. I absolutely love it. I go to the doctors once every 3 months to get the shot. I don't have to remember to take a pill everyday. The only side affect that I have had, is a little bit of weight gain. I would say I've probably gained about 12 pounds in the past four years. I also have not had my period since I've been on the shot.



answers from Spartanburg on

I use a diaphragm. No side effects, though I think some people could have a reaction to spermicide. It is just a little messy. I nursed both of my kids for over a year so I used nonhormonal birth control. Maybe something to look into. I don't think diaphragms are particulary popular right now but I really like it for birth control.



answers from Denver on

I use the Nuvaring and love it. Check it out.


answers from Sioux City on

We use Naprotechnology, also call the Creighton Method. We love it and it is all natural.



answers from Grand Rapids on

if you want a hormone birth control I would recommend the nuva ring. I used that before I was married, and i had it so I would use a new one on the 1st of the month. was really easy to remember to change then.

If you want non hormonal I would highly recommend the book. "natural family planning", by toni schessler, (sp). I was recommended the book when I had my daughter and decided to nurse her until she was 15 months. It is a great and Wonderful book that teaches you how to read your body. you will know when you are ovulating, so if you want to get pregnant you can. but at the same time, you will learn your body, so if something is wrong, you will know quickly that something isn't right, and can get to the doctor.


answers from Detroit on

Love my NuvaRing. I set my phone alarm on the day I need to remove and the day I need to insert a new one.

I had all kinds of issues with any of the 4 different pills I'd had. I don't like the idea of the IUD (many women in my family had serious issues). And sponges or a diaphram with spermacide isn't as effective... Also, I have issues with spermacide. I, along with many other women in my family get pregnant quite easily. My husband and I wanted something as close to 100% effective (without being abstinant : P ) as possible. When I take my ring out for a week... We use condoms. Most don't have to worry about that.



answers from Hickory on

i used a iud it stays in for 5 yrs and then needs to be replace- i only had about 3 times a menstral with this- be careful what you look for and good luck

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