My son is almost 22 months old and still has his binkie. he uses it for naps and bedtime only. and during the day he goes alot without it, unless he is upset or sick. I did alot of research on binkie use and dental problems. The American pediatric dental assostion has stated that their previous call that prolong binkie use can cause dental problems, and aligment issues is compeletly false. There has been no evidence that prolong binkie use creates problems with the alignment of their teeth. and that most children give htem up on their own between the ages of 2-4 yrs of age. As long as the binkie use is given up permently before the perment teeth come in (around ages 7-12 yrs of age) there will be no problems to theit teeth or alignement. The AAP also recommends binkie use to pacify your infant in stead of bottles or nighttime nursings at this age, cause both can increase the likely hood of cavities. Due to this research, i have decided to let my son self wean off his binkie. it is his comfort sorce along with his blanket, and i see no reason to tear that away from him.
Now, if you want it gone cause it bothers you, that's cool. here are some tips i've seen other moms use. cold turkey, just throw it away, and be done with it. Cutting the nipple off and letting them suck on the part that's left around the ring. things of that sort. If your only reason for getting rid of it, is because you've been told it could damage yoru child's teeth that is a worry you can now pass into the myth catagorey.