If she's qualified then she has the same chance as everyone else who applies. If you feel you can't be involved in the decision then bow out. She shouldn't get the job because of you and she shouldn't be denied the job because she knows you.
Dear All,
I am living abroad. My son's kindergarten just lost its afternoon English teacher for next year. I am helping the Parents' Committee in the search for candidates. My best friend who I love like a sister and more would like to apply. She would be wonderful. She raised 4 kids of her own. Has the teaching certificate. Is loving....nurturing.
Thank you.
Thanks for advice!!!!
If she's qualified then she has the same chance as everyone else who applies. If you feel you can't be involved in the decision then bow out. She shouldn't get the job because of you and she shouldn't be denied the job because she knows you.
I taught in a school in a small community, and there were lots of staff people and teachers who knew the kids from other walks of life. It made no difference if the teachers were professionals and showed no favoritism.
I'm not sure what your role is and what the committee's role is in hiring, but you really should disclose your relationship with her and recuse yourself from any function of the committee. If she gets the job, it has to be on her merits and not because of her relationship with you. You can't appear to endorse her without people knowing she is your friend - it undermines her and you. If she gets the job, it has to be on her merits. Whether someone raised 4 kids or not is not relevant to her teaching abilities. If she doesn't get the job, it would destroy your friendship if she thought you didn't stand up for her because you didn't want her in your child's class, or any other reason why your influence wasn't positive.
I'm a firm believer in everything being above board and open - don't hide your relationship and refrain from commenting on the applicants.
Sure, why not?
Just be sure you are willing to be objective about her assessments of your son... They may not always be positive. (Though, they could be...) Make sure you keep your friendship with her separate from your relationship as one of her students' parents. :)
Sounds like a win-win.
You only list pros...what are the cons? Based on the info in your post, I don't see a dilemma, so my opinion is why not?
And the problem would be?
Ditto Diane B. You should recuse yourself from the committee to remove any appearance of preferential consideration. Even if you don't give her preferential consideration, it will appear that she got it and appearances are everything in this sort of situation.
As long as she is qualified and good with children then there is no problem in fact it is better than just any random person getting the job.
Everything Diane B said. Thanks Diane!
Yeah, and?
She is qualified.
Hire her!
She sounds qualified. I would just not mention she was my friend to anyone else on the committee. Let them meet her and see her for her qualifications and experience.
If they already know her through you then mention to them she is applying. Tell them if she is not the right candidate for the job to not let your relationship with her interfere with the position being filled by the right person.
Just let them know it won't hurt your feelings any if they don't want to choose her. But only if they already know her through you. They should be able to evaluate her on her own standing.
I'm not sure I understand why you're asking. Is there a reason you're asking? Does it somehow concern you that she already knows and loves your son? Or that she's well qualified? What's the negative?
Sounds like they need her and she needs them...
Is this a troll? Because I don't know why you would be asking us.