I pride myself with good skin care routines from very early on. Most importantly is drinking a lot of water, sunscreen, NEVER go to bed with makeup on, and having a facial cleansing routine twice daily.
I've used mostly Clinique in my many years and still use the Repairwear Series for daily moisturizer and some other products. Love Clinique!
I am faithful to Kaplan MD Essential Oils twice daily at cleansing, Trish McEvoy eye serum, and Trish McEvoy vitamin c creme nightly.
Yes they are pricey but they last a long time.
Yes you can find drug store products that can help you as well.
You just don't start thinking about a firming Creme at 40,45,50... It starts early with facial routines and good products.
It was ingrained in my head as a preteen to care for my skin and as normal, I ingrained that in my daughter's brain as well. We have both been employed as models and its part of the job to keep skin healthy.
Even if I were never in a situation which focuses in skin and fitness, it is something I'm so glad I did because now I am mistaken for being way younger than my age.
Lots of water, good diet and sunscreen are vital!