Bereavement Counseling

Updated on January 28, 2009
K.R. asks from San Antonio, TX
10 answers

My Mom passed away last Monday. Does anyone know of any bereavement counselors in the Frisco area?

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answers from Dallas on

I don't know of any bereavement counselors but I just wanted to give my condolences. I am so sorry for you loss.

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answers from Dallas on

HI Kim I'm so sorry for your loss I lost my mom Nov 17 take a deep breath, take it one day at a time, and accept help from people. Also, try to incorperate memories of Grandma with daily activities with your little boy. Our girls have lost both grandma's and we encourage lots of memory play about Grandma & Nana.
2 Cor 4:8


answers from Dallas on

Well my counselor is Dr. Linda Pitts, I am not sure if she specializes in bereavement but she is great and she also takes most major insurances. She is older and doesn't have a website but her number is ###-###-####. I also know a couple of Life Coaches in the McKinney, Allen area who are great. They are good friends of mine. I can get you their number if you are interested?



answers from Dallas on

I amso sorry youhave lost your mother. I lost mine 11 years ago and I understand. I joined a great yahoo group motherless daughters..Its a nice place to go and just vent out your feelings and work thru everything.

Feel free to call me anytime if you want, I've been there and I survived it as youwill too..believe it or not. =0)

Its an odd group motherless dauhters but we are strong and its so important to connect with people that understand from experience.

###-###-#### or email




answers from Dallas on

I'm so sorry. I just went through this last month with my mother and just over a year ago for my dad. I know there are many books at Barnes and Noble that can also help with the grieving process. I thumbed through them when I was there recently.

I don't know of counselors in Frisco,but I do know of counselors in Carrollton off the George Bush. You can go to their website and find the counselor that fits your needs. Lifeworks Counseling Center. I think the website is lifeworkscc carrollton. You can find them by googling. God Bless You.



answers from Dallas on

my church is in richardson and they have a ministry for that



answers from Dallas on

First of all let me say that I am very sorry for your loss. Please feel free to call me anytime. My husband died suddenly from a heart attack years ago and it was devastating. I finally went through a wonderful grief recovery program that saved me. I highly recommend the book called The Grief Recovery Handbook by John James. You can get it just about anywhere. You can also call The Grief Recovery Institute in California and they will talk to you. They are more helpful than most counselors. They also have a website. Just Google the grief recovery institute. It is very helpful. T. O'Connor ###-###-####



answers from Dallas on

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Often churches have grief counseling classes, or your miniister might be able to refer you to someone. Unfortunately I do not know anyone near Frisco that I could refer you to, but I commend you on seeking counseling. My advice, be nice to yourself and remember that it's ok to hurt. If it did not hurt, it would not have been worth it....take care.



answers from Dallas on

Kim, I dont know of a counselor in your area, but I wish you the best in finding one. I also lost my Mom in 2007 It so far has been the hardest things to face. But by the grace of God I do it one day at a time. Good luck to you



answers from Dallas on

Dear Kim,
My heart hurts for you. My dad passed away in 2003 and it was very hard for me, too. I don't know of any bereavement counselors, but, Stonebriar Community Church does have a grief share group that was very helpful to me. Here is their website:
Sending you cyber hugs,

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