First of all I want to stay that you are not alone. I don't know if you are a christian, but I tell you that GOD has been there through the storms with me, even now. Are you and your family involve and/or attending church? This is a major stress reliever because you can develop friendships with people that are able to become a support system and the pastor and/or his staff. I had to move out of my current apt. and had to wait a week before we moved into my new apt. and had no place for my furniture. Well, a church member was able to keep my furniture at her house in the process.
Listening to a christian radio station especially because someone may ask a question that helps you. Although you are facing major challenges, focus on turning lemons to lemonade. That means you can control ONLY YOU!! There are some local agencies that you can call and I would do them immediately because you are going to need a place to stay and another job. Some agencies to check would be Salvation Army, Vounteers of America, Urban League, Urban Cares etc. You can always call 211 for information and referrals. Always ask questions about services and referrals if they cannot help you in a particular area. Ask what the requirements are to receive services or help.
There are places you can stay with you and your children. Some of them my not equal up to where you live now but remember to be humble and that there are people who have loss their family and their home. Also that you are going to rebuild and definitely become stronger.
Remember to get positive support around you. Making sure you have ONLY positive people around you is going to be important.
If you want to email me to keep in touch, you may.