I think you should keep the color. I agree with a basement bath, and especially one with no windows, that a bright color is the way to go. If you're happy with the color, why change it?
Our basement bathroom is a sun bright yellow, and it's textured with sand. I love it because it's bright and makes you feel like you're outside, rather than in a small room with no windows.
it needs a new coat of paint, and I'm wondering if I shouldn't go with a different color. It would need to be bright and cheerful. most of our walls are whites and creams, so I have a few areas with bright, bold splashed of color. I'd like to keep this bathroom bold and bright. Suggestions?
The tile floor is a dark slate blue with brown highlights. The yellow looks amazing with the floor. What else might too?
I think you should keep the color. I agree with a basement bath, and especially one with no windows, that a bright color is the way to go. If you're happy with the color, why change it?
how about a rich orange, not as dark as pumpkin but brighter than peach.
a pale sand beige with pops of color in the trim or artwork.
or stick with yellow, since you love it! just go a shade darker or lighter or more orangey or something.
:) khairete
You just might need to keep the yellow, if you still consider it amazing. I've done the rich orange as suggested by Suz, and while I loved it initially, orange doesn't have the staying power of yellow. I'm over it, but too lazy to paint.
For small enclosed rooms that don't get natural light, sometimes yellow is the only option. White can also work, but might be a little bland if you feel the room needs color.
Have fun!
My office/spare bedroom is a rich coral and it feels nice and tropical to me. But if you still love the yellow, why not keep it?
I like blue and brown together. So maybe a Robin's Egg blue?
From the brown hues - you can go backward to orange
so carrots to peaches would work...
White walls with a pale blue ceiling.
I think Turquois would be a good match with the colors you have. It is a bright and cheery color. You could also do an orangey color.
How about a blue or slate grey. If you really love the yellow, maybe that's what you should stick with. Sometimes something different isn't the answer. =)