This was the BEST thing to come my way when I was pregnant with #2. I demand fed #1, and at 1 year/18 months, our bedtime routine went like this:
Rock him with a bottle, take bottle...rock again (because he woke up)...get out of rocker, keeping in constant motion...lay him in bed...pat him to down while patting out of sight...hope he doesn't hear you...crawl out of room...possibly repeat 2 or more times...FORGET IT!!!
Babies 2 and 3 went like this from day one: nurse and rock...put in crib awake...say "nite-nite"...leave room (upright, not crawling).
Baby is a welcome addition to the family, not the center of the family and they need a routine (schedule) to help them. What if we ate everytime we felt like it? Babies are BABIES! They need us to direct them. Incidently, my eldest has a real struggle with selfishness...I wonder why...hmmm...could it be that the world DID revolve around him when he was little and now there is a price to pay? Having done it both ways, I can tell you I wouldn't do it any other way. Our 2 younger ones are calmer, they sleep better and are more content.
There is a newer version of the Ezzo's book, called "Parent Controlled Feeding". It's an easier read, because they have clarified some of the controversial issues that so many have jumped all over. When I started reading "Parent Controlled Feeding", (BTW, I was AGAINST it and only agreed to read the book to please my husband, who was for it) I got about halfway through the first chapter and it just made SO MUCH SENSE, I had a complete change of mind. Hope this helps!