You didn't do anything wrong. You are expecting him to change his behavior because you have changed your sleeping preferences and he is too young to understand that, or why.
What you did was perfectly normal and natural and it will take a while to acclimate him to a new arrangement. Leaving him alone to cry until he vomits will only make it worse (I'm sure you know this now, we all make mistakes).
Think about your reasons for wanting him in his own bed. Independence in children is fostered through allowing the child to be dependant on you and feel safe in that. They work toward independence slowly, and it sounds like your son simply isn't ready to sleep alone yet, can you put off moving him until his second birthday? I know you will get lots of advice here about HOW to make him sleep in his own bed, but maybe you could consider waiting a while longer.
We co-slept with all four of our children until they were 3yo. It didn't affect our sex life, it didn't make sleeping anymore difficult, and we now have wonderful memories of it. These little years go by so fast, and I know we share a closeness we wouldn't have if we had spent all that time trying to force them to do something they weren't ready for. All of them transitioned slowly but completely to their own beds by age 3.
Co-sleeping is not evil or wrong. It's a perfectly normal way to spend the first few years of your sleeping life, with your parents safe and secure knowing they are right there if you need them. Children's fears of sleeping alone are very real, and helping them feel safer and attending to this need is very important for their development.