Hi N.,
Although most people say depression is phychological, It can often be physical in nature.
Thryroid malfunction is a large cause of depression. Many people are misdaignosed because thyroidism is hard to pinpoint and the tests are not that sensitive. Taking a basal body temp in the morning , upon waking, but before rising, can be a good clue. (look this up online)
Iodine or kelp supplements can help support your thyroid. Look up Idoral online. Iodine deficiency can be: fatigue,depression, hair loss, hoarseness,poor memory and concetration,puffy eyes, cold hands and feet/cold intolerance,vaginitis. Thyroidism also contributes to low vit A.(vaginitis is caused by the low vit A) and you would also see a low copper status.
Too much copper in the body causes post partum depression. Copper increases 2 times during pregnancy!!
A Bacterial attack from a UTI can cause fatigue.
A bacterial or viral attack in general, somewhere in the body, can cause fatgue.
Sleep apnea and heart disease can cause fatigue. caffeiene overload, and food allergies (which cause sleepiness after you eat them).
Early symptoms of thiamine (B1) deficiency are: fatigue/tiredness(a big sign), depression, low body temp, irritability, poor memory, lack of initiative,low blood pressure, or sometimes constipation. (foods high in b1 - romaine, aspargus, yellow tuna, raw sunflower seeds,cooked black beans)
B6 deficiency presents with depression, malase, pms, possible sensitivity to noise, mouth and tougne sores. (B6 needs to be taken with b 12 for uptake)In fact the best way to take b vitamins is to just take a B COMPLEX vitamin. Many people are B deficient due to our high carb, high sugar diets. take vit E to help convert the b12 to active form. B6 foods are boiled spinach, raw bell peppers, yellow tuna, raw garlic.
Vit D is called the mood vitamin. Deficiency in vit D can be caused by breastfeeding. In fact if you are breastfeeding you are having the life force sucked out of you ( smile) and should be taking supplements. (think Cod Liver Oil). Walmart carries an orange flavored one. I feel more calm when i take it.
Repeated pregnancies can cause a folic acid (B9)deficiency. (easy bruising, nose bleeds, many colds,infections, hemmeroids, general weak immunity, Light headed, fatigue, irritability, forgetfulness, paleness, lack of appetitie, cant concentrate, cracked sides of mouth,possible chest pain. Make sure you take b12 if you take b9.
Taking fulvic acid (FULVIC not folic) along with your vitamins will help with the uptake of them.Plus it gives all the important trace minerals that our depleted in our foods and soils. It is in ionic form, so it passes cell walls readily. It oxygenates the blood, so it will improve memory, libido, increase energy, alleviate anemia, chelate toxins out of the body, stimulate and rebuild immune system.
The protozoa Blastocycstitis (more common in CA than rest of country) in the gut can cause Anxiety, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, skin rashes, headache, depression. If affects the serotonin in your gut, and serotonin is resposible for mood. (80% of your serotonin is in your gut). Leafy veggies can be contaminated with it. Farm animals, birds , reptiles, rodents and fish carry it.
The most common nematode infector is roundworm. it can cause anxiety,anemia (tiredness), irritability, poor or ravinous appetite, colic in babies, twitching, insmnia, dry cough.
Parasite worm Archiacanthocephala takes over serotonin. it can be caught from dogs,other humans, or in pork/pigs.
In the USA it is written that 80% of us have some type of parasitic infection (there are humdreds). Vit D deficeincy is high (70%) and vit B deficiency is as well about (40%)
it is said that iodine deficiency is high also. These all block iodine receptors: table salt, chlorine in our drinking water, bromine in baked goods,percholete in milk, splenda, gatorade,atrovent inhalers, can propellant, hot tubs (because of bromine).
I hope you find a way to naturally find a cure for your blues, don't go on prescription drugs, which will alter your intestinal flora and will open you up for gut infections,(they love reduced stomach acids caused by antidepressants.)At least have the doctor test your blood levels for deficiencies. Zoloft, which is one of the anti depressants, is found in high concentrations in your blood and breast milk. It causes all kinds of central nervous system problems (birth defects in babies) plus it has high rates of side effects like nausea, tremors, dry mouth, dizzyness, sex problems. AND, 16 % of people on it get Akathisia- which is "being poisoned" by too much of this drug. usually when people go back to the doctor to complain of the poisoning symptoms the doctors INCREASE the dose, and after some years it will lead to PERMANENT central nervous system damage. Doctors won't take patients off of it because of withdrwal symptoms (ssri syndrome) so if you go on this, you will be put on it indefinitely and will be turned into a shell of who you are now. WARNING!!!!!