Dear R., I am really sorry to hear you are so depressed. It's perfectly understandable why you would be at 9-1/2 mos! Is there a reason your OB isn't advising you to be induced by this point? I am a huge believer in letting babies come when they are ready, but usually after 9 mos., the doctor does recommend being induced. Is the baby too small still or what? These are reasonable questions for you to ask, if you haven't already.
I had post-partum depression and so did my daughter. If you are nursing, you'll need to ask your doctor if you can be on medication if you are still depressed. It's very normal to have some blues after having a baby sometimes and it's not always the kind that lasts a long time. Having a first time baby is pretty scary and you can feel a little overwhelmed at times, especially if you don't have a lot of help or support from your husband or family and friends. Make sure you try to get outside as often as you can and babies love to be outdoors, even if for just a little bit, if you live in the cold.
Whatever happens, please make sure to talk to your doctor and someone who will listen to you! There is no shame in feeling depressed or blue, now or after the baby is born. I wish you luck, R. and I hope your contractions start becoming strong enough to go into active labor or your doctor induces you to move things along. Talk to him/her about how you feel! That's the most important part and don't feel silly telling them how you feel. You are important and need to be reassured that you are getting the help you need, sweetie. God bless. I'll be thinking of you.