I always used options instead of demands.
For breakfast do you want cereal or eggs?
Do you want to wear your ed shirt or your blue shirt?
Also give him a heads up.. Today after breakfast we will go to the store. Pick a snack to take with you. We do not buy snacks at the store. Do you want to take juice or water in your sippy for the ride to the store?
This afternoon after nap, we need to pick up the cleaning for dad.
In 10 minutes we will need to get ready to go to the store. You will want to start putting your toys away in about 2 minutes.. Then remind him in 2 minutes.
Ask him to be your helper..
Will you please help mommy get ready to go to the store?
Can you find my keys?
Could you pick a snack for me to take to the store?
Will you help me remember we need dog food for puppy when we get to the store? Will you please carry your diaper bag to the car? Will you make sure there are 3 diapers in the diaper bag?
After each positive action that he does, let him know he made a good choice. Or he was a big help, or you liked his choice.
The reason this age is so hard is they do not have all of their words yet and they feel like they have no control.. Give him a little of the control and he will feel a lot better.