Hi C.,
Osteo Arthritis is a bone disorder and Rheumatoid Arthritis is an immune disorder. Both give pain. The doctor should have identified which one you are experiencing. I agree that you probably didn't get enough info or help from the doctor but I'm afraid that is the usual outcome.
Both forms need to be treated the same as far as pain but completely different as far as cause. Glucosomine AND Chondroitin are both good for osteo arthritis HOWEVER, used together they negate the other's benefits so it's like taking nothing at all. My recommendation would be to take a pharmaceutical grade Glucosomine and not the Chondroitin at all. Absorbable Calcium would be wise as well. If the Calcium or the Glucosomine are not pharmaceutical grade ( GNC, Walmart, Cosco, etc ARE NOT good vitamins) it's not doing any good either.
My sister's osteo-arthritis is completely gone and I have friends that no longer suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis. As far as Rheumatoid, the immune system has to be strengthened to it's fullest. A good absorbable multivitamin would be the best place to start. Either way the immune system needs to be strenghtened so that the body can heal itself.
Hope I helped! God bless.