Oh yeah - Deramaxx is so expensive!! Rimadyl is only about $38 for 30/100 mg, but another alternative for pain is Novox - the generic version of Rimadyl. It's about $32 for 30/100mg pills.
Personally, I'd rather skip the heavy-duty painkillers and go more natural...
You can give your dog aspirin - a standard 320 mg. aspirin once every 12 hours, based on recommended vet dose of 5 mg/per pound of body weight. My dog is 60 lbs and we give him 1 aspirin.
It doesn't even have to be buffered aspirin - that's just to minimize stomach upset. You can use regular aspirin if you give it with food. I put a regular aspirin in a teaspoon of warm water and "melt" it and then mix it in with his food or as a treat put it in about 1/8 a cup of milk. He loves it of course:)
Just watch for stomach upset with the aspirin - buffered or regular. I've never had a problem with that.
The aspirin advice was given to me years ago by the best vet we used to have in Houghton County (John Pepper) and I've always used that with any dog I've had with arthitis. It seems to help, is cost efficient and keeps them away from potentially harmful narcotics that they seem to love handing out.
Another thing that is now being used (and can be used with the aspirin) in place of the glucosomine is fish out caplets. You don't have to go out and buy the ones for dogs, but regular human ones work. Nordic Naturals recommends one capsule of its 1500 mg soft gel fish oil for large dogs weighing 20 pounds or more. So - a pill or two depending on the mg. you buy. I use this along with the aspirin. Fish oil is beneficial in many ways for dogs:)
Good luck with your doggie. Hope he feels better!