I apologize in advance this is going to be long.
Have you seriously NEVER had to eat a very small portion of what you cooked so your kids could have all that they wanted to eat? Have you NEVER had to stand in the isle in front of the Macaroni and Cheese and try and add up if you have enough cash to get the Kraft or had to get the store brand or the off off off brand? You have NEVER had such limited funds that you only had $30 to spend on groceries for a whole week for a family of 4? Have you NEVER had to go to the Wonder Bread Store and buy day old bread? Or go to the food bank and when you open the box everything is out of date or rotten? Or stood in front of the hot dogs because the kids really wanted to have hot dogs and as much as you'd like to buy the Hebrew National you had to buy the $.88 instead?
We are grandparents raising grandchildren and live on SSDI due to my husband having a quadruple bypass several years ago. We get child support on 1 child's dad every week without fail as long as the father has a job. He always has a long term job and rarely changes employers. The other dad pays whenever he works but they mostly pay him cash so we don't often see any from him. I have 7 grandchildren. My ex has the 2 older boys, I have a boy and a girl, a foster family just adopted a boy and a girl, then my daughter has #7 in rehab with her. She is graduating in a few months and moving to a supported living apartment situation. She is on TANF and food stamps so she cannot pay anything, her long term job since high school has been as a stripper.
So, I can count on about $240 per month in child support on top of our SSDI. Since our income is unearned income they don't adjust it, that is take about 20% off the top to discount for taxes and work related expenses. A family of 4 that works for the same amount of money we get can get about $400 per month in food stamps but we can't qualify if the second dad pays a cent of child support. It puts us over the income limit. Even when he goes without paying for a while and we do qualify for food stamps we only get about $75 per month.
I work 3 part time jobs to try and fill the void. I work at a gymnastics studio to pay for the kids classes there, I receive no money, I still have to pay part of the class fees. I clean house for my FIL and he gives me a gasoline card, I have a suggested limit but if I go over he doesn't say anything. I also iron for several customers. I get paid cash and checks. I make a little bit of profit, but not much, and always claim it on my taxes.
We do get free breakfast and lunches for the kids and we go during the Summer to the free lunch program. The kids eat free, we can't afford to pay $3.50 each for the food for ourselves so we sit there and visit with our friends that take their kids too.
When milk at Walmart went over $5 per gallon around the 1st. I only had budgeted for it being $3.38 plus tax so I could only get 1 gallon of milk or do without something else. I stood in the dog food isle and tried to get control of myself and stop crying. It stinks. It did go back down within a couple of days to $3.98 but still, $5 is just too much for me to pay.
My husband and I do without so the kids will always have enough. We go to food banks and to the Health Department for WIC, we do whatever it takes for the kids to have what ever they are truly wanting. Making brownies is a common thing for us, they are $1.00 per box for a 13"X9" pan and we use the eggs from the WIC in them. I have the same oil I had at Christmas, it's kept in the fridge since I don't use much of it. So it's an affordable treat that will last more then one day.
We don't buy shoes and purses or new clothes until the ones we have are so completely ruined they can't be saved. My husband has glued his everyday shoes together about 4 times since this Spring. He is going to have to have a new pair before long.
I do with out name brand shampoo and conditioner, I cut my own hair and the rest of the family's, I make my own detergent, I make a lot of our clothes, we get scholarships for any sports we sign the kids up for, we do everything we can do to provide them with the lives they can enjoy and thrive in. They don't know we are poor. They have what they need and some of what they want.
As I stood in the pet food isle crying about the milk I wasn't even crying for us, I was crying for all the people who don't have as much income as we do, what in the world are they going to do. I have a friend who gets SSDI but it's only a few hundred a month. She gets $23 per month in food stamps. If it wasn't for her years supply of food and eating very minimalistic she'd be starving.
When my husband had his heart attack we used up every bit of our food storage supply, we used all our retirement funds, cashed in our life insurance money, all the money we could liquidate we did or we would have been on the streets.
We lost our home, both cars...which wasn't a horrible thing the payments were about $775 per month and the full coverage insurance was $1000 every 6 months. We lost our status in our friend of circles, we didn't have money to eat out all the time anymore, etc.... But we had each other and then we got the kids. Life is full of joy and wonder every day.
I have never worked harder to provide a home and to try to learn everything I can to do a better job this time around as I am learning all over to parent kids.
Our internet is free by the way, our cell phones are the cheapest we can find anywhere, our cable is included in our rent, my brother gave me the van I drive several years ago for Christmas (it's a 1998), the Mercedes (1981) is a beater car that my hubby drives was a gift from someone who could no longer afford the extra insurance and didn't want to deal with selling it. Our computers are very old but my husband worked in IT for a while and knows how to build them from spare parts and fix them if needed. I also don't smoke or drink alcohol. I do however buy a 6 pack of bottles of Dr. Pepper each month for a treat for myself.