I've been on Yaz for about four years. I have severe PMDD with terrifying rages, and the kind of cramps that send you to bed with a heating pad (while moaning in the fetal position) for days.
I was terrified not to do something. At the time I recognized my tremendous moods swings, I had just adopted two-year-old twins. At first, the doctor thought my anger was only the frustration of a new parent, but I had clocked the rages over the months, and could accurately predict when it would come each month.
Before I went on Yaz, I was on Serafem, an antidepressant drug taken only during certain times during the month. On that, I felt fuzzy and without emotion, really. I didn't like the idea of taking an antidepressant. Also, Serafem didn't address the cramps.
The doctor put me on Yaz and I felt like myself for the first time in years. It is only lately that I have experienced the headaches that some of you others have, and the fuzzy thinking. I wonder if the drug has changed in some way recently, for me to only be having these symptoms now. I am nervous about being on the drug now, because of the recent news of dangerous side-effects, but I don't know what I could do otherwise to solve my symptoms, other than go around emotionless on the antidepressant.