Anyone Having Trouble Logging in Mamapedia W Facebook?

Updated on December 12, 2011
K.M. asks from Texarkana, AR
6 answers

So i have been trying to log into mamapedia for days with my facebook account and it will not go thru. I ended up creating a new one just to get in without facebook but all my old questions or on my other account i have been a member for over a year and i had so many recipes and home remeidies that ya had emailed me that i dont wanna lose.... anyone else having issues ??? o and i havent changed any passwords on my facebook account or anything like that

K. in Texas

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answers from St. Louis on

I am having trouble logging in, and uploading a profile photo, so I don't know what happened. I almost couldn't get in, I couldn't remember my password. LOL

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answers from Hartford on

Yes, I've been having trouble with that too. I figured it had something to do with FB changing something in their scripting/CSS again since one of my FB plugins has been having a ton of script problems since their last big change with the chronologies. That's around when I started having trouble linking the two accounts.

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answers from Boston on

Yes - I had to create a new account too (actually I updated an old one from a few years ago that I never used). Totally sucks!

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answers from Seattle on

Yesssssssssss! When the heck are they going to fix it???? Its happened more than once. I wrote mamapedia and they haven't gotten back to me. Lame! And when I signed up for my old account over a year ago the regular way of making an account wasn't working. Figures right?

Think im going to send this link of us here to them and say fix it already, would ya??

Tired of getting emails saying I have personal messages I can't read!



answers from Seattle on

Just wanted to say they FINALLY fixed it, and you no longer have to sign in with facebook! Yay! Its about time.



answers from Redding on

I have never logged in through facebook.
Can't you just do it the old fashioned way?

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