I had a similiar situation. My son's pediatrician recommended a Doc Band when he was about 6 months old. We have United Healthcare as well and were denied coverage. Since my son's case was pretty mild, we went to physical therapy for a few sessions and did the whole re-positioning throughout the night and at naps - as well as just making everything interesting on his unflattened side - it helped a lot and made the Band unecessary. I also did the whole appeal process - which consisted of three appeal letters and three rejections. If we had done the Band, it would have been completely out of pocket. I have heard from some other people with United Healthcare that had the same experience with the Band being denied. There are a few good websites that have sample appeal letters and lots of other information. If you are going to appeal, I highly recommend researching on the web, you'll get a lot of information and won't feel so alone in the process. It is a stressful time and any support helps - let me know if you would like more info on the sites/appeal letters.
Good luck! C.